Friday, March 27, 2009

My 28th Birthday

Today was my big day and it was a great one. I was scheduled to work today until 3 but got to leave at 1. How awesome is that? It doesn't really happen that much around the hospital so I was very excited. When I got home...Jarrod and Harleigh had a wonderful snickers cake and my present waiting for me. They went all out for me this year and got me an iPod. I have been wanting one since Christmas so of course this made me very happy. Then I got a good phone call from my OB/Gyn doc saying that all of my blood work came back just fine and that we can go ahead and start trying again. Yeah!! Kathie came by next and brought me a present along with my parents. Thank you all so much. After all the fun at home we went out to eat at Fudruckers and followed that up with some fun at Main Event. Mom, Dad, Shallon, Raquel & Gage joined us for the laughter! My pink iPod from Jarrod & Harleigh
My longaberger shelf from Mom & Dad Me and my two favorite people
Blowing out my 28 candles
Daddy trying to win Barney for Harleigh at Main Event
We also bowled and played alot of video games but my camera died. Seems like that always happens when you need it the most!
~Thanks to everyone for the birthday cards and wishes!~

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