Sunday, January 25, 2009

Emery's 1st Birthday Party!

Happy 1st Birthday Emery Jane!

Yesterday, we left early in the morning and headed down to Austin, TX for our niece's first birthday party. It was so good to see all of Jarrod's family when we got there. Pete rode down with us. Lauren had driven in the night before, along with Jays parents and Rhonda flew in yesterday morning also! Cohen & Harleigh were inseparable as soon as we arrived and had a great time enjoying each other's company and little Miss Em was cuter than ever! We had yummy enchiladas for lunch and a homemade cake (thanks to Jessica) to follow. After cake, we opened presents and then rested and relaxed the rest of the afternoon. We had a great time and wish it could happen more often!Cohen & HarleighSweet Miss Em!

Jarrod joining in on some little kid fun!

1 comment:

Drew Watts said...

Birthdays with kids are always amazing. There are so many LA event venues in and at the outskirts of our city. It's really difficult for me to select one for my husband's success party. Will invite all his friends and colleagues for dinner. Not sure about the desserts or cup cakes to be ordered with quality drinks.