Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Off my feet again...

Well, I thought I was going to have it good from now on but that didn't last long. I worked a full day Monday and 12hr. shift yesterday. About 5:30 last night, I used the rest room up at work only to find myself losing a bunch of blood again. So scary! They paged my specialist from the front office and lucky me, he was just on the next floor over. After another sono, baby looks wonderful, amniotic sac is full, my placenta looks attached nicely but there is still an edge of it that is bleeding. So I am off again for the rest of this week and he said I can try to go back to work again next week. What an exhausting roller coaster ride this is!

1 comment:

Blankenship Babbles said...

Ugh...Poor You :( Hang in there girlie, you are doing what is best for you and your little one...Praying for you that this is the last of it and you can return to work in full force next week, soak it up girl, this weather is awesome sleep weather :)~ Love you!