Friday, December 19, 2008

1st Doctor's Appointment

I just got home from my first doctor appointment and everything looks fine. Yeah! My due date is August 1st and I am 8 weeks. We did an ultrasound to see the tiny little heartbeat and it was 125bpm. This early in pregnancy, anything over 100bpm is considered good. My mom and Harleigh got to join in on the fun since Jarrod couldn't go. I don't think Harleigh really knew what was going on. She just kept staring at me, probably wondering why I was dressed in a funny gown and laying on a table. If was to cute though when she got her little sono pics. She carries them around like a proud big sis! After we left the doctors we went and shared the good news with my moms work people who were all excited of course and happy for us all! Our next appointment is scheduled for January 9th, just because I am such a worry wart. Hopefully, everything will still be good then!

1 comment:

Momma Russell said...

WOOHOO!!! YAY!!! See it was meant to be for us to be preggers together!