Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Cat Scratch Fever

Well, well, well, I finally gave in today and went to the doctor for my hands after an awful night last night. I was brought to tears with the itch and pain of my hands and had to sleep with socks over them. It hurt so bad as I pretty much reopened all my little wounds. If most of you don't know I have had this on my hands for a little over a month. It started from my cat scratching and poking me with her nails. Her playfulness gets a little out of control. So over the past month I thought I could take care of it myself with some over the counter creams but nothing seems to get rid of it so today I finally said enough is enough. When we finally got into the doctor I stumped the first PA that came to look at me. At first, she was just going to send me home with some steroid cream and have me call her back this Friday but as soon as I told her I was pregnant that option was out the window. No steroids when prego. So, after awhile of her reading through some medical books...she decided to go get some help. So PA #2 and Dr. Seger himself came in and the questions started flying. Do you itch on your legs? Your Stomach? Are your lymph nodes swollen? No, No and No! So the conclusion came to...if I wasn't pregnant, they would of treated me for Cat Scratch Fever. The treatment for this however, is to strong for the pregnancy. So, they ended up diagnosing me with Folliculitis and put my on Amoxicillin, Benadryl and Hydrocortisone Cream. In conclusion, I am allergic to Sissy's nails but not her and hopefully this will soon disappear!

1 comment:

Blankenship Babbles said...

Uh Oh...I hope that treatment does the trick that looks painful girl...You remember Bart Stewart (BJ Stewart) he was diagnosed with Cat Scratch I guess it was a little over a year ago...I know it took months for him to start to feeling better...I hope that isn't the case with you...Get well and stop scratching :) XOXO